NDIS Physiotherapy.

Community-based NDIS physiotherapy support that fits you, your needs, and goals.

Who we are.

At Axis Rehab we are committed to providing best-practice, person-centred care for adults living with a disability. We work with you and your support networks to deliver personalised intervention within your home or community to help you achieve your goals. We believe in keeping you in the centre of your rehab journey. Your goals, lifestyle, and support networks are the keystones to creating and delivering your tailored physiotherapy supports. Our physiotherapists will work with you directly to create long-standing relationships for continuity of supports.

What we do.

Our physiotherapists have over 3 years of experience in assessing and providing intervention for a wide variety of diagnoses covered under the NDIS. We provide home and community-based physiotherapy services throughout Sydney, NSW.

Our services include:

  • Mobility and transfer assessments for safety in home and community environments, including prescription of mobility and transfer aids.

  • Exercise therapy, including hydrotherapy.

  • Implementation of personalised home exercise routines, with training of your support networks if help is required.

  • Assessment, trial, and prescription of low- and high-cost Assistive Technology.

  • Medical and NDIS reports.

  • Other clinical documentation, including manual handling plans, transfer procedure documents, positioning guides, and pressure care recommendations.

Who we work with.

Our physiotherapists work with participants who have a range of disabilities, including but not limited to:

  • Neurological conditions, including Stroke, Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Parkinson’ s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neuron Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Systems Atrophy, Functional Neurological Disorder, Fahr’s syndrome, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, Alzheimer’s Disease/ Demetia, and more.

  • Mental Health disorders affecting a participant’s engagement in formal exercise routines causing deconditioning and mobility issues.

  • Neurodivergent disorders that cause reduced mobility or engagement in physical activity routines, including Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, and more.

  • Physical conditions causing disability that directly relate to a participant’s permanent functional impairment, including genetic disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, tumours, and more - when these are listed as diagnoses under a participant’s plan.

  • Disability-related health supports including respiratory support, wound and pressure care prevention and management - when these supports directly relate to a participant’s permanent functional impairment and are listed under their plan.

Where we work.

Our physiotherapists will travel to your preferred community location to provide therapy services:

  • In your home.

  • In your local gym or hydrotherapy pool.

  • In community environments such as parks, shopping centres, day programs, and more.

Our Values

  • clinical expertise

    Our physiotherapists have 3+ years of experience in community-based disability support.

  • Quality Care

    We maintain NDIS, AHPRA, and APA registration. We stay up to date with clinical guidelines and research for best-practice care.

  • Person centred

    We maintain longstanding relationships with all stakeholders and have a goals-based approach for person-centred care.

  • suits you

    We travel to you for home and community-based physiotherapy that integrates into your life and routines.

Our process

1  Set your goals

Your goals create the foundation for which our physiotherapists will assess you, and create a therapy plan for. These can be short- or long-term goals and should help you maintain or improve your participation in daily life. 

Want to complete floor transfers to play with your children? Or stand for longer to go out with friends? Our physiotherapists can help you get there.

2  choose your therapy

  • Choose your frequency: weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or as needed.

  • Choose your location: home, gym, pool, park, centres, and more.

  • Choose your therapy modality: exercise therapy, hydrotherapy, tailored home programs, community mobility practice, and more.

  • Choose your assistance: exercise alone, in a group, with family, or with support workers

3  Get to work

Our therapists understand that life gets busy and therapy takes time! We will try our best to structure appointments around your schedule and integrate and therapy routines into daily life. We can work with your support networks to help facilitate programs, and can provide tele-health services for those quick check-ins. 

We will work with you to implement sustainable and enjoyable routines.

4  re-assess

People change, and so do your goals. Ongoing assessments allow your therapists to see the effectiveness of implemented therapy and achievement of your goals. Whether you smash your goals, or they become no longer meaningful, we will work with you to set new goals and implement a new plan to achieve them. 

Our therapy is dynamic to match you, your life, and your changing goals. 

Get started with axis rehab, today.

Book a physiotherapy assessment today to connect with an experienced physiotherapist that can work with you and your support networks to help you achieve your goals.


  • Physiotherapy is an allied-health profession that treats medical conditions, injuries, and disabilities with physical therapies.

    Physiotherapists have extensive knowledge of human anatomy, with a specialised emphasis on the body's movement and mobility. Physiotherapists must receive formal qualifications and be registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency to practice within Australia.

  • Physiotherapists deliver targeted interventions to restore or maintain function to maximise a person’s independence and quality of life. This can help individuals continue to participate in activities of daily living, maintain their social and community engagement, and continue to enjoy sporting or recreational activities of interest.

  • The primary form of physiotherapy intervention involves land or aquatic-based exercise therapy aimed at maintaining the function of body systems. Physiotherapy also includes assessment and prescription of equipment such as mobility or transfer aids to help people stay mobile.

    Physiotherapists can provide recommendations to maintain the safety of individuals who cannot walk and require special positioning, manual handling, and pressure care advice.

  • It is recommended to seek physiotherapy services if you are experiencing any physical limitations to your normal movement, mobility, function, or ability to complete activities of daily living. This may present as difficulties sitting upright, standing, walking, reaching, grasping, and moving. Signs can also include falling (or almost falling) over frequently, abnormal fatigue, difficulty stretching muscles or joints, or chronic pain.

  • Your first physiotherapy session will include an assessment of your physical ability alongside your goals. Following this, your physiotherapist will develop a therapy plan and work with you over subsequent sessions to implement it. Physiotherapy sessions may include interventions such as exercise therapy, equipment assessments, and implementation of clinical training to care teams if required.

  • Your first physiotherapy session will be an assessment which typically ranges from 1.5-2 hours and can be spread over 1-2 sessions.

    Subsequent therapy sessions typically last for 1 hour, however, they can be shorter or longer depending on your needs and recommendations from your physiotherapist.

  • The number of physiotherapy sessions will depend on your goals, needs, and funding available. Your physiotherapist will discuss a plan with you in your first few sessions.